
Which disk size to choose?

Which disk size to choose

In use, the smallest and lightest or those who do not grow much in the mountains can opt for 140mm. On the other hand, in our opinion, the heaviest / big or very good descanters who wish to delay/optimize their braking will have the interest to glimpse the diameter 160mm.

Width of hub axles

The hubs are designed differently wheels brake braking, especially at the front since it is now necessary to transmit the torque (very important) related to braking. On-road bikes, disc wheel hubs have the following widths:

  • 100mm in the front
  • 135mm at the back (in QR: quick tightening)
  • 142mm at the rear (in TA: Axis through)

Remember that the width of the rear wheel hub is imposed by the bike frame model you own or will acquire. This can restrict the choice of purchase according to the width that the wheel manufacturer offers at Firestone Complete Auto Care.

The diameter of hub axles

  • The hubs on the disc wheels are oversized to provide greater rigidity. It is advisable to equip at least with wheels that have hub axles in:
  • 12x100mm or 15x100mm at the front
  • 12x135mm or 12x142mm at the back.

Attention, the axis standard does not allow to presuppose the stiffness of a hub. It all depends on its design!

The front hub is, therefore, the most stressed braking, generally, a 15mm front axle brings a net gain in terms of rigidity in the fork/wheel connection. The bigger the axis of the hub, the more it offers possibilities of evolution (size of the axes, type of tightening, …)

For the rear is more questionable, it all depends on the frames and also (and especially) the hub design. Because often between 135x10mm QR and 142x12mm the “internal” axes of the hubs are identical. Everything will be played (to speak only of the hub) at the level of its design (in particular the connection which goes from the ends to the body of the hub).

Hub bodies

The materials used in the hubs of the skate wheels are here the same. Steel, aluminum, titanium, carbon, manufacturers are looking for the ratio rigidity/weight/ reliability. Only the diameters of the bodies are more consistent to respond to the strong demands during braking and accommodate larger axes and bearings.

  • Tightening and holding the wheel on the frame
  • Two types of tightening coexist:
  • Quick-Release: QR for short or quick tightening in English
  • Thru-Axle: TA for short, understand traversing axis

It is the choice at the level of the hubs that the user will have to do. The frames designed for the through-axles are different from the frames designed for quick clamps. It is, therefore, your choice of the frame that will guide the type of hub you need to take or vice versa.

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