Auto Tools

What are the types of couplings?

What are the types of couplings

Coupling is the mechanical device that is used to connect and align devices within flexible dependency. The flexibility and alignment accuracy are the system or torque is based on various coupling features and power requirements. This shaft is considered to take around most of the motors and pumping actions. To define the various categories of couplings, first let us know the major types of couplings. The two major types are

  • Material flexing

The material obtains flexibility from most of the stretching types and resilient material within metallic discs. The material will not need any kind of lubrication and the operation is made to shear within compression to accept angular misalignment. The material flexing couplings are classified into various types and they are

  • Jaw – It is a flexible coupling that can transmit torque within elastomeric intermeshing jaws. The operation actually accommodates misalignment and transmits torque over the use of torsion dampening. It has low torque and it can be used within general purpose applications.
  • Sleeve – The coupling transmits low to medium torque that is connected in sheer through elastomeric within each supply and various splines. The material is typically inserted to various piece designs.


  • Tire – This is a rubber coupling that connects two or more hubs and found within torque elements. The shock loads and vibration are high which may connect equipment to speed up operation from moderate to high. The wide range of torque capacity is handled well among most of the couplers.
  • Disc – The principle operation of torque is transmitted through tension and compression segments. The discs have angular parallel to misalignments and it is true to limited end float designs. The backlash designs are rated high through balancing and speed.
  • Diaphragm – The acoplamientos utilizes the series of plates and torque capacity through flexible members. The deflection of stretch and elongations are bended towards diaphragm profile.
  • Mechanical flexing

The coupling features with misalignment acceptance and gearing up through highest amount of flexible couplings. The metal mechanical device requires lubrication and the examples are listed out as gear, grid, roller chain and so on.

  • Gear coupling – The highest amount of torque is transmitted through each smaller diameter and flexible coupling features. The coupling has various hubs and each can be combined within angular gear teeth.
  • Grid coupling – This is designed with a couple of radical slots and the serpentine strips within strength and steel factors. The contacting hub and most metal parts are lubricated within requirements.
  • Roller coupling – This also has a couple of radical slots that moderates torque and speed up applications. The sprocket teeth within coupling are chained for transmission and axial misalignments.

The coupling has periodic lubrication and depends over typical brush and couple of actions.

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